Raising children, singles or multiples, can be hard. No doubt with twins it will be harder. But it comes with its advantages. We spoke to different mothers and here’s what we gathered:
1. If you're having twins, you'll experience morning sickness, backaches, swollen feet and strange cravings just once and you get two kids out of it. Unless you want to go through it all over, AGAIN!
2 You get to pick two names. With twins, the argument ends who gets which Grandpa’s (or Grandma’s) name.
3. Bringing up twins guarantees resiliency. Two kids together will learn to share, take turns and figure things out for themselves quicker than a single child. In other words, you don’t have to be a referee for everything.
4.Social skills are learned early with twins. They're used to being with another person, so their ability to socialize is enhanced greatly. Most moms with single children have to find playmates for their kids to improve social behaviour. With twins, your kids will always have each other. They'll be automatic playmates and friends their entire lives. So for long car drives, quick errand runs and during restaurant waits, they always have someone to play with.
5. Single kids moms exhaust themselves by doing everything for their kids. Being by their side and soon become helicopter moms. With twins, you are outnumbered.
6. You've got a built-in tutor. When one learns to tie her shoe, she can help her brother with his laces. The same goes for learning to color, riding a bike and memorizing multiplication tables.
7.Get ready for the same milestones, too! "Twins mostly imitate each other. So it’s almost like a race towards each milestone – walking, potty training, weaning – everything.
8. Raising twins means they'll go through the same stages at the same time. They'll play with similar toys, eat the same kinds of foods (may be even feed each other) and read similar books.
9. You'll be an expert on babies almost overnight. From colic and crying to diarrhoea and diaper rash, even first aid, with twins, its double the knowledge in half the time. Which means, you are not fretting about everything. Goes without saying, you are a more relaxed mom. So long as you are feeding them, keeping them safe and doing the best you can, aal izz well. Sticky floors and the laundry can wait.
10. More sleep! With a toddler and a baby, there are two different nap schedules and bedtimes. Twins tend to nap and tuck in for bed at the same times, so you'll enjoy a few extra minutes to yourself.
11. Twins have each other's backs. They'll always look out for one another, which can really ease your mind when they start school. Having two kids in the same class means you'll get more information about who their friends are and what the teachers are saying.
12. Twins can be the perfect if don’t want to some quality time. You can just say no. No to the PTA, no to an office celebration, no to wedding where you don’t know anyone and definitely no to entertaining if you are not in the mood for it. Having twins gives you the perfect excuse when you need it, and you won't end up over-committing.